Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Motivation

Monday. That's a 4-letter word to most folks. I wanna turn it around and make Monday the day I get fired up and re-focused for the week! I'll be sharing motivational quotes/pictures, as well as claiming my goals for the week!
My goals for this week:

-Drink 100-134 ounces of water per day (I downloaded a really handy app called Water Your Body. It reminds you to drink your water, and according to my weight of 270 pounds, I should be drinking 134 ounces every day. This will be a challenge!)

-Keep my carbs below 30 grams each day

-Complete all of my planned workouts for the week

-Lose 5 pounds

That last one should be a breeze, simply because this is my cycle week and I'm automatically up 5-6 pounds (>_<)

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